Why capitalists love Trump’s NLRB

November 10, 2018

A majority of the five-member National Labor Relations Board are currently Trump appointees. With one seat vacant, they hold three…

On the picket line

November 10, 2018

Black women call center workers lead fight for a union in Miss. In Hattiesburg, Miss., hundreds of call center workers…

Trans rights! Trans liberation!

November 10, 2018

New York members of the Peoples Power Assemblies participated on Nov. 2 in the Trans Rights Rally organized by young…

Border war crimes

November 10, 2018

Four days before the midterm election, the U.S. “provocateur in chief” spewed poison deeds and words. He ordered 15,000 federal…

Protest forces Pennsylvania prisons to back off

November 8, 2018

Corrections Secretary John Wetzel admitted that a month of protests, public hearings and social media campaigns have forced the Pennsylvania…

Prison crackdown, prisoner boycott

November 8, 2018

This Workers World interview was conducted with Pennsylvania prison activist Bryant Arroyo in SCI Frackville on Sept. 23. The Pennsylvania…

Anti-Semitism, racism and the anniversary of Kristallnacht

November 8, 2018

At a moment when the U.S. head of government spouts blatantly racist vitriol criminalizing people for their nationality, claims “they”…

Google sued for pay discrimination

November 8, 2018

A hearing for a proposed class action lawsuit was conducted in San Francisco Oct. 26 on behalf of 8,300 women…

Lessons of the election

November 7, 2018

In what could turn out to be the most expensive midterm election ever, preliminary results as of this writing show…

‘Time’s Up, Google!’ as tech workers walk out in global rolling strike

November 6, 2018

Google employees walked out around the globe on Nov. 1 to demand an end to sexual misconduct at the multibillion-dollar…