Palestine solidarity wins at UC Davis

February 24, 2024

University campuses have become a major battlefield for the Palestine solidarity movement in the U.S. Students and faculty who support…

Oppose the new Cold War on China by opposing every U.S. war

February 24, 2024

Based on a talk by Sara Flounders to a webinar held on Feb. 18, 2024, Peace Delegates Report Back from…

Stop First Amendment rights violations in Pennsylvania prison!

February 24, 2024

Bryant Arroyo has been held in Administrative Custody (AC) in the Restricted Housing Unit at State Correctional Institution (SCI) at…

Women detainees in Israeli jail describe cells as ‘burial chambers’

February 22, 2024

 As we go to press, a United Nations Human Rights report was issued Feb. 19, 2024, stating that Palestinian women…

¡Alto a la invasión de Rafah!

February 22, 2024

La guerra genocida de Israel contra Gaza está alcanzando otro punto de inflexión.  Como si compitiera por ser el criminal…

Philly protest demands: Free Palestine! Free Puerto Rico!

February 22, 2024

Hundreds marched in a show of solidarity between Puerto Rican and Palestinian activists in Philadelphia Feb. 17. In a mile-long…

Indict the capitalist system

February 22, 2024

Seattle The amount of houselessness in advanced capitalist society shocks everyone, especially the great masses living without a home. The…

Following general strike, Argentina’s Parliament rejects Milei’s economic ‘reforms’

February 22, 2024

By Adam Wetzstein When Javier Milei was inaugurated as Argentina’s president, it was with a promise to break the back…

After years of prison neglect, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s health deteriorates

February 22, 2024

Family, friends and supporters of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal are once again sounding the alarm regarding his deteriorating health. Recent…

Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine commemorates its 55th anniversary

February 22, 2024

On the 55th anniversary of the launch of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, February 22 marks a…