Big pharma profits off pain

December 3, 2018

Dsuvia. That is the trade name of the latest high-powered opioid that may soon appear on the market. Its scientific…

Boston hotel workers victorious in historic national strike against Marriott

December 1, 2018

Boston's UNITE HERE Local 26 Marriott hotel workers ended their 46-day strike with a decisive victory. Chanting “One job should…

Community car caravan delivers message: Free Mumia Now!

December 1, 2018

Philadelphia - Several cars decorated with signs to “Free Mumia” traversed multiple Black community neighborhoods here on Nov. 24 as…

What could be more urgent?

December 1, 2018

In all the dire news about the increased severity of climate change and its catastrophic effects, the most important element…

Olivia Hooker dies at age 103 — last-known survivor of 1921 Tulsa ‘race riot’

December 1, 2018

The life of Olivia Juliet Hooker came to an end this year with her death on Nov. 21.  She was…

NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg tells nuclear lies

December 1, 2018

"Russian missiles pose a danger," said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, sounding the alarm in a Nov. 23 interview with…

Workers strike at Amazon in Germany, Spain

November 30, 2018

More than 600 workers walked out of Amazon’s buildings in Bad Hersfeld and Rheinberg, Germany, on Black Friday, Nov. 23.…

Day of Mourning honored at Plymouth

November 30, 2018

Indigenous people and supporters gathered despite sub-zero wind chills for the 49th National Day of Mourning at Plymouth, Mass. The…

No to DeVos’ proposed Title IX regulations!

November 30, 2018

U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ran a touchdown Nov. 16 for her predator-in-chief coach Donald Trump -- when…

San Francisco hotel workers stay strong

November 30, 2018

    On Nov. 22 -- a national holiday, which many have as a paid day off or get with…