An exchange of views on: ‘Is Trumpism a temporary phenomenon?’

December 4, 2018

The following is the first part of an exchange between Fred Goldstein and Manuel Raposo, a left-wing Portuguese communist and…

Mass layoffs loom, GM gets bailed out, workers get sold out

December 4, 2018

Workers in Michigan, Maryland, Ohio and Ontario, Canada, are in a state of shock after learning that General Motors intends…

Black commentator fired over call to end Israeli apartheid

December 4, 2018

Temple University professor and author Marc Lamont Hill has been fired from CNN after giving an impassioned address to the…

Justice for Indigenous leader Berta Cáceres

December 4, 2018

Honduran Indigenous environmental activist Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores (Lenca) received some measure of justice on Nov. 29, when seven men…

Encuestas predijeron y elecciones de Florida mostraron

December 4, 2018

Dos de las/os tres representantes del sur de Florida en la Cámara de Representantes de EUA que habían priorizado la…

Marxist feminism necessary for liberation

December 3, 2018

A thorough Marxist critique of class society is essential to a truly liberatory feminism, argued members of Workers World Party…

Haitians strike on Vertières anniversary

December 3, 2018

It's an uprising. Some 80 percent of Haitians went on strike for days after massive protests throughout the country on…

The plight of home care workers under capitalism

December 3, 2018

In the United States, over 2 million home care workers are paying the price for the greed of the few.…

Statement of love and respect from Leonard Peltier

December 3, 2018

Greetings Sisters, Brothers, Elders, Friends and Supporters. Well here it is, sorry to say, another year, and I’m still writing…

Oakland action to support International Day of Solidarity with the Migrant Caravan

December 3, 2018

A community rally was held at Fruitvale Station in the heart of East Oakland, Calif., on Nov. 25, led by…