On International Day of Persons with Disabilities, protest demands for equality, access and an end to police murder

December 11, 2018

New York - For the fourth consecutive year, the People’s Power Assemblies organized a rally to commemorate the International Day…

WW editorial: Look for the motive

December 11, 2018

Oil! A Chinese business woman sits in a Canadian jail cell, arrested at the behest of the U.S. government. It’s…

Solidarity at the Border – FIRE delegation brings supplies to caravan

December 11, 2018

Tijuana, Mexico - A solidarity delegation organized by Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere (FIRE) went to Mexico from Dec. 6…

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Next steps after 37 years

December 10, 2018

Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal has now been incarcerated for 37 years. December 9 marks the anniversary of his imprisonment and…

UNC-CH teaching assistants hold grades, protest move to save racist statue

December 10, 2018

The struggle surrounding Silent Sam, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill monument to the white supremacist Confederacy, sharpened intensely last…

New York University: Support surges for Palestinian struggle

December 10, 2018

Against all odds, New York University students, in a campus coalition with faculty and graduate workers, successfully pushed a Boycott,…

Spectrum strike continues: Strong response to union busting

December 10, 2018

International Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3, with 1,800 workers out on strike for more than a year, thought they were…

Solzhenitsyn and Jordan Peterson: Fascism, white supremacy and patriarchy

December 9, 2018

Last month, Penguin published a new edition of “Gulag Archipelago” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. A quote on the back cover says…

Cops in France brutalize high school students who join Yellow Vest protests

December 8, 2018

A scene of ordinary life in France, in these times of conflict: On Thursday, Dec. 6, late morning, in front…

Sam Marcy on a working-class movement for socialism

December 7, 2018

This selection from Sam Marcy’s book “High Tech, Low Pay” (1986) was lightly edited to update some phrasing. There is…