Protesting border-wall contractor in Galveston, Texas

January 3, 2019

Activists protested in Galveston, Texas, on Dec. 22 outside the headquarters  of the SLS Company, which has a $145 million…

While children die at border – Gov’t shutdown cuts jobs and services for millions

January 2, 2019

The current government shutdown, now in its second week, is being called a “partial” shutdown. While it’s true that much…

When the Cuban people stood up

January 2, 2019

It is an island only 90 miles from the United States that has been invaded, blockaded and is still partially…

Brazilian elections: a political discussion

January 2, 2019

This is Part 2 of an exchange between Manual Raposo, Portuguese left communist and editor of Mudar de Vida, and…

Alabama People’s Tribunal: ‘Food, water, health are human rights’

January 2, 2019

Montgomery, AL - Advocates for a wide range of struggles in Alabama met with a new generation of health activists…

Bigots’ attempts to shut down Drag Queen Storytime fall flat in Michigan

January 2, 2019

In December 2017, the Detroit suburb of Huntington Woods became the first community in Michigan to have a Drag Queen…

WW commentary: LeBron James’ apology & the roots of anti-Semitism

December 29, 2018

A beloved athlete posts a brief song lyric on social media. Commentators denounce the lyric as offensive and him as…

Court ruling lets Mumia Abu-Jamal renew his appeals

December 28, 2018

A ruling issued Dec. 27 by Common Pleas Court Judge Leon Tucker has opened the door for political prisoner Mumia…

Bolton’s false claim of ‘new’ U.S. policy for Africa

December 28, 2018

This article was first published in Avante, the weekly newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party, on Dec. 27. Its author…

Macron, austerity, repression and the Yellow Vest revolt in France

December 26, 2018

Paris, France, Dec. 23 -- According to representatives of police trade unions leaving the Ministry of the Interior on the evening…