Hundreds rally outside auto show to save jobs

January 27, 2019

Detroit’s well-heeled had to pass through a gauntlet of hundreds of protesters this year to get to the annual black-tie…

Who’s really to blame

January 27, 2019

It is no exaggeration to say that the capitalist class in the U.S. has, for well more than a century,…

Crisis económica en desarrollo: ¿política, sistémica o ambas?

January 27, 2019

No hay duda de que el caos político en los EUA está contribuyendo al aumento del pánico en la bolsa…

On the picket line: Farmworker walkout stops pay cut

January 27, 2019

Farmworker walkout stops pay cut The 1,800 mostly Latinx farmworkers who pick Halo mandarin oranges and clementines for the Wonderful…

Massive strikes in Tunisia, Morocco

January 27, 2019

Around 700,000 Tunisian workers -- public employees and workers in state-owned companies -- carried out a one-day general strike on…

Venezuela defends itself from U.S.-orchestrated coup

January 25, 2019

Jan. 25 -- In Venezuela, Jan. 23 has been a historically significant date ever since 1958 when military dictator Marcos…

A view from France of the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela

January 25, 2019

The author directed this article to a French audience. Published in RT on Jan. 24, it explains some of the…

Cuban Communist Party says, ‘Venezuela is not alone’

January 25, 2019

The following article appeared in the Jan. 25 English edition of Granma, the official voice of the Communist Party of…

Buffalo activists brave storm to defend Venezuela gov’t

January 25, 2019

Jan. 25 -- At 7:30 a.m. today, intrepid organizers and activists in snowy, cold and windy Buffalo, N.Y., put up…

Workers World Party statement: U.S. hands off Venezuela!

January 24, 2019

Workers World Party calls on the movement here in the U.S. to unite in the streets to defend the elected…