Jussie Smollett and the attack on queer people of color

February 4, 2019

Jussie Smollett, internationally known Black television star and LGBTQ+ activist, was beaten in Chicago in a horrific racist and homophobic…

Under pressure, Yale RebLaw conference rescinds keynote offer to Philly DA; instead invites political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

February 4, 2019

The following edited press statement was released on Feb. 1. Cambridge, Mass. - Organizers of the Rebellious Lawyering (RebLaw) conference…

New York: Mass movement builds against Amazon HQ2

February 4, 2019

Corporate behemoth Amazon announced in September 2017 it would build a second headquarters (HQ2) in whichever U.S. city offered it…

Chavistas in Venezuela ready to talk, ready to fight against the U.S. coup attempt

February 3, 2019

Feb. 3 -- Two conclusions emerge from the Venezuelan conflict almost two weeks after Juan Guaidó's self-proclamation as president. The…

Nathan Phillips and the face of fascism

February 2, 2019

Thousands of Indigenous peoples from across the U.S. and Canada, from Guatemala and the Caribbean to Australia and Papua New…

Organization in India condemns U.S. attack on Venezuela gov’t

February 2, 2019

Manik Mukherjee, vice president of the All India Anti-imperialist Forum (AIAIF), issued the following statement: The All India Anti-imperialist Forum…

In Spanish state: Red Network militants accused of ‘financing terrorism’ for solidarity work with Palestinian people

February 2, 2019

Ángeles Maestro, leader of Red Roja (Red Network) in the Spanish state, and two of her comrades have been accused…

Humanitarian aid for migrants is not a crime!

February 2, 2019

Federal Magistrate Judge Bernardo Velasco convicted four humanitarian aid volunteers on Jan. 18 in Tucson, Ariz., of misdemeanor charges, including…

Russia and Turkey make arrangements in northern Syria

February 1, 2019

By Karin Leukefeld This article was published in the German daily Junge Welt on Jan. 30. Translation by Workers World…

Kurds see Russia as security guarantor in Syria

February 1, 2019

By Karin Leukefeld This article was published in the German daily Junge Welt on Jan. 30. Translation by Workers World…