In Austin, Texas, left activists unite to support Bolivarian Venezuela

February 12, 2019

On Feb. 2, a staunch coalition of activists in Austin demonstrated their support for the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian…

Mumia Abu-Jamal on ‘Radical Politics’

February 12, 2019

The following slightly edited commentary was written by political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and is posted on Prison Radio. Feb. 6…

In Atlanta, fighting racism with the KaeperBowl

February 12, 2019

Feb. 10 -- When the capitalist colossus known as the Super Bowl takes over a city like it did Feb.…

From Venezuela: An open letter to the people of the U.S. from President Nicolás Maduro

February 9, 2019

President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela delivered this Feb. 7 message to the people of the U.S. through social media. If…

Haitian Revolution shook empires

February 9, 2019

In a Vodou ceremony led by Dutty Boukman in 1791, several hundred enslaved people swore to fight to the death…

Activists in Spain accused of ‘terrorism’ say: ‘Solidarity is legitimate’

February 9, 2019

The following article was published in Translation by WW Managing Editor John Catalinotto. Feb. 5 -- Today members of…

Europe complicit in Washington’s dangerous destruction of the INF Treaty

February 9, 2019

By Manlio Dinucci This article, published Feb. 2 in Rome by Il Manifesto, was translated by Workers World Managing Editor…

U.S. Peace Council: ‘Stop the US-Led Coup Against Venezuela!’

February 9, 2019

The following statement was issued Jan. 26. Petitions and condemnations are not enough! The U.S. peace movement must act decisively!…

No U.S. War on Venezuela!

February 7, 2019

PLEASE CIRCULATE WIDELY! SIGN THE STATEMENT HERE -----> Support No U.S. War on Venezuela National Actions on Saturday, February 23…

Centennial of the Seattle General Strike

February 7, 2019

From Feb. 6 to 11, 1919, some 60,000 workers, led by 35,000 shipyard workers, shut down Seattle -- population 300,000…