U.S. coup plotters look to ‘aid’ as pretext for moves against Venezuela

February 19, 2019

Feb. 17 -- Nearly a month since the start of the U.S.-orchestrated coup attempt in Venezuela, the conflict remains primarily…

Haitian masses shake U.S.-backed regime

February 19, 2019

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets for 10 days beginning Feb. 7 in every major city of…

Venezuela’s ‘Caracazo’ and imperialist hypocrisy

February 19, 2019

This month marks the 30th anniversary of the “Caracazo” -- a spontaneous uprising of the poor in Caracas, Venezuela, which…

Say her name: Sandra Bland

February 19, 2019

  Feb. 16 -- The room at the Auburn Avenue Research Library for African-American History and Culture was filled to…

Enough is enough! Oakland teachers set Feb. 21 strike date

February 19, 2019

At a Feb. 16 press conference Oakland Education Association President Keith Brown said, “Enough is enough. Bargaining with our school…

NYC nurses picket for better staffing ratios

February 19, 2019

The New York State Nurses Association held informational picket lines in front of 13 New York City hospitals on Feb.…

Denver teachers strike and win

February 16, 2019

Feb. 14 -- After 15 months of negotiation, including an intense 20-hour session lasting throughout last night, the Denver Classroom…

Venezuela and revolutionary internationalism

February 16, 2019

This is an edited transcript of remarks by Workers World Party First Secretary Larry Holmes at a “Build Global Solidarity…

Hard exit from EU raises stakes for workers in Britain and Ireland

February 16, 2019

The process of Britain leaving the European Union, called Brexit, is producing a major spasm in world capitalism’s current crisis.…

Cuban’s 60 years of revolution celebrated

February 16, 2019

A crowd packed the People's Forum in midtown Manhattan Feb. 8 to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Cuban Revolution…