Venezuelan President Maduro speaks to mass rally after provocations on border with Colombia

February 24, 2019

Caracas, Feb. 23 -- A massive mobilization is currently taking place here at the Miraflores Palace, the seat of the…

SF Labor Council says ‘No’ to U.S. intervention in Venezuela

February 22, 2019

The following resolution was adopted by the Delegates Meeting of the San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-CIO) on Feb. 11, 2019.…

‘A fabulous achievement’

February 22, 2019

Elliott Abrams, the architect of Ronald Reagan’s “dirty war” in Central America, is an undisputed war criminal and blatant liar.…

Pauli Murray, gender-nonconforming civil rights, women’s rights activist

February 22, 2019

Civil Rights and women’s rights activist Pauli Murray was the brilliant theorist who laid the intellectual foundation for some of…

Yellow Vests movement battles repression in France

February 22, 2019

For the 14th consecutive Saturday, tens of thousands of Yellow Vests marched throughout France on Feb. 16. The cops gave…

On the Picket Line: Teachers & energy workers win, Southern unions hold the line

February 22, 2019

Chicago charter teachers win historic strike victory! Education workers, parents and students won the second-longest charter-teacher strike in U.S. history…

Seattle Black Lives Matter fights racism in schools

February 22, 2019

Black Lives Matter at School was held Feb. 4-8 and beyond at schools all across the U.S., including Seattle. This…

A return to Leninism: The centennial anniversary of the Comintern

February 21, 2019

Larry Holmes is the First Secretary of Workers World Party. V.I. Lenin, the principal leader of the Russian Revolution, opened…

In West Virginia win, rank-and-file education workers block privatization

February 21, 2019

West Virginia educators walked out, again, on Feb. 19, in a reprise of their 2018 militancy. The statewide walkout was…

Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan: ‘I proudly stand with President Maduro and the people of Venezuela’

February 21, 2019

This statement originally appeared on Sheehan’s Jan. 27 “Soapbox” blogspot. Since Hugo Chávez Frias became president of Venezuela in 1998…