Charter school teachers strike and win

March 5, 2019

After nine days on the picket line, teachers and specialists at Ohio’s first unionized charter school have their first contract.…

Amazon Struggle Spreads to Virginia

March 5, 2019

When Amazon announced it would build two new headquarters, one in New York City and the other near Washington, D.C.,…

Unions, Yellow Vests join Feb. 5 general strike in France

March 2, 2019

Feb. 21 -- In France, Feb. 5 was a day of general strike and demonstrations. The call was launched nationally…

Next steps in defending Bolivarian Venezuela

February 28, 2019

This article is a slightly edited version of a message sent out by No War on Venezuela ( The threats…

Students fight institutionalized racism in Georgia

February 28, 2019

"I was livid, furious," said Elijah John, a Black student at Kennesaw State University after seeing his image used in…

Mumia speaks to Yale Rebel Lawyers

February 28, 2019

On Feb. 1, students at Yale Law School courageously rescinded their invitation to Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner to be…

N.C. city workers speak out: ‘End austerity, end racism’

February 28, 2019

City workers in the Durham chapter of United Electrical Workers Local 150, N.C. Public Service Workers Union, came together Feb.…

Youth demand action on climate change

February 28, 2019

Since the start of 2019, tens of thousands of young people in Europe have hit the streets in multiple demonstrations…

Protesters across North America say: ‘No U.S. war on Venezuela!’

February 26, 2019

U.S. threats to invade Venezuela, along with Trump’s efforts to instigate a coup d’état, were answered on Feb. 23 by…

White House gang threatens to attack Venezuela as border offensive fails

February 26, 2019

Feb. 25 -- The first showdown in the latest U.S.-led aggression against Venezuela ended on Feb. 23 in a clear…