Venezuela seeks a way out of the emergency

April 4, 2019

This article was published in on April 2. Translation by Michael Otto. On Sunday, March 31, Nicolás Maduro announced…

Venezuela Today – Part 2: People power resists U.S. threats

April 4, 2019

The following is Part 2 of an excerpted talk given March 21 at a Workers World Party meeting in New…

Macron and cronies repress Yellow Vests, unionists and youth

April 4, 2019

Herrera, a Marxist economist, a researcher at the Centre national de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS), who works at the Centre…

Georgia, #1 in maternal deaths, passes country’s most restrictive abortion law

April 4, 2019

The Georgia legislature succeeded in passing the most restrictive law governing access to abortion in the country on March 29,…

Jussie Smollett and capitalist victim blaming

April 4, 2019

Charges brought against Black gay actor Jussie Smollett by the city of Chicago were dropped on March 26. But since…

El cambio climático está impulsando el cambio social

April 4, 2019

Las terribles noticias sobre el despliegue del cambio climático pueden tener efectos opuestos en las personas: desesperación, lasitud y negación,…

Penn Law students oppose selection of David Skeel, Jr., for award, cite his role in destruction of Puerto Rico

April 4, 2019

Over 60 students and alumni of Penn Law School have released a collective statement condemning Professor David Skeel Jr. as…

Hundreds join anti-NATO march through U.S. capital in revival of broad antiwar movement

April 3, 2019

Several hundred activists and organizers took to the streets of the U.S. capital on Saturday, March 30, traveling from all…

Venezuela today: consolidating people power to face U.S. threats

April 3, 2019

The following excerpted talk was given at a March 21 Workers World Party meeting in New York. The U.S. war…

Millions of Algerians protest March 29, demanding all corrupt leaders go

April 3, 2019

April 1 -- Rumors published on Algerian TV today indicated that President Abdelaziz Bouteflika intends to resign April 2, after…