Manning, Assange, WikiLeaks and U.S. war crimes

April 16, 2019

No person who watched “Collateral Murder” could deny the brutality of U.S. imperialism. Smuggled out of Iraq by Chelsea Manning…

Hurricane of colonialism ravages Puerto Rico

April 16, 2019

When a hurricane smashes into an island, it destroys everything in its path and carries the remains out to sea.…

Mexico Seminar XXIII mobilizes against Washington’s offensive in Latin America

April 16, 2019

Some 99 political delegations from 38 countries, including most of Latin America and much of the world, plus delegates from…

PA prisoners say, “Enough is enough!”

April 16, 2019

Prisoners in Pennsylvania under the banner “Enough is enough” are circulating a petition challenging a number of arbitrary and punitive…

Popular forces challenge Guatemalan regime

April 16, 2019

Six gunshots killed Hemil Leonel Nájera Trigueros on April 8 in the municipality of la Libertad, in the Petén department…

Venezuelan right wing runs out of cards to play

April 14, 2019

This article was published on April 12 on Translation by Michael Otto. For the third time since January, the…

Maduro government is resilient — so what next for U.S. strategy?

April 11, 2019

Original published on on April 10. Translated by Michael Otto. The assault was supposed to be short -- Maduro's…

Highlander arson: ‘Steadfast in our solidarity’

April 11, 2019

An arsonist set a fire on the night of March 29 that destroyed the main office building and decades of…

Message from the Workers’ Party of Korea

April 11, 2019

The following message to Workers World Party from the Workers’ Party of Korea was received on April 8. The WPK…

Google tech workers in ‘historic show of solidarity’ with temporary workers, vendors and contractors

April 11, 2019

April 8 -- A “historic coalition” has been established among full-time employees and temporary workers, vendors and contractors (TVCs) employed…