Administración Trump lleva guerra contra mujeres a O.N.U.

May 14, 2019

La semana pasada, en el 22 de abril, el Presidente Donald Trump llevó su guerra a los derechos de las…

Workers’ Solidarity Day: an essential initiative

May 14, 2019

This article is based on a talk by Martha Grevatt at the Workers World Party national strategic meeting held May…

Venezuela embassy protectors to State Dept.: No illegal eviction!

May 14, 2019

On May 13 the Embassy Protection Collective sent this communication to the U.S. State Department. This is the 34th day…

To save life on Earth, abolish capitalism ASAP

May 14, 2019

Scientists have issued yet another dire warning on the climate crisis. In what the New York Times described May 6…

Koreans reject U.S. efforts ‘to overthrow our system’

May 14, 2019

Once again, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has refused to be intimidated by the U.S. imperialist government and its…

Farm workers win big over Darigold

May 14, 2019

The United Farm Workers union just scored a big victory over 500-farm dairy producer Darigold in the Pacific Northwest. For…

On the picket line: Fighting retaliation at Google & Boeing, Rutgers faculty win

May 14, 2019

Fighting retaliation at Google and Boeing Two mega-billion-dollar U.S.-based international corporations retaliated recently against employees who dared to organize for…

What’s in the recent jobs report — and what’s not

May 9, 2019

Much is being said in the capitalist media about the monthly jobs report for April issued by the Bureau of…

Golan is Syria!

May 9, 2019

A demonstration in front of the Israeli Mission in New York City denounced Trump’s recognition of Israel’s 52-year illegal annexation…

U.S. intervenes against popular uprising in Sudan

May 9, 2019

This article was first published May 3 in Avante, weekly newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party. Its author, a former…