Why it’s necessary: Unite and fight against abortion bans

June 6, 2019

The criminal anti-abortion network in the U.S., praised and promoted by the racist, reactionary Don in the Oval Office, was…

General strike in Honduras protests gov’t ‘reforms’

June 6, 2019

June 3 -- A national strike began in Honduras on May 30 protesting a series of reforms announced by the…

Fightback builds in U.S. against abortion bans

June 5, 2019

Momentum is building to overturn restrictive abortion laws passed by  right-wing-controlled state legislatures aiming to outlaw the procedure and punish…

‘Shock and awe’ war on migrants and prisoners

June 4, 2019

In 2003, during the genocidal and criminal U.S. war against Iraq, the term “shock and awe” was propagated.   The…

Activists close down Atlanta Detention Center

June 4, 2019

The multistory Atlanta City Detention Center was built prior to the 1996 Olympics to house the hundreds of poor and…

Janet and Janine Africa say: ‘We won’t celebrate until our MOVE 9 brothers are released’

June 4, 2019

MOVE 9 members Janet Holloway Africa and Janine Phillips Africa, who were recently released after spending nearly 41 years in…

Maestros y médicos hondureños iniciaron un paro nacional para combatir reformas neoliberales

June 4, 2019

3 de junio - El 30 de mayo empezó en Honduras un paro nacional en protesta de una serie de…

‘Liberal’ – hasta a un punto

June 4, 2019

Los llamados medios de comunicación liberales en los Estados Unidos, especialmente el New York Times, el Washington Post y algunas…

China resists gunboat diplomacy and unequal treaties — then and now

June 2, 2019

Most people in the U.S. are unaware of the fact that more than a century ago armies of occupation from…

Imprisoned soldiers rebelled during Vietnam War

June 2, 2019

The following report is based on a chapter in Catalinotto’s book, “Turn the Guns Around: Mutinies, Soldier Revolts and Revolutions”…