Béla Lugosi: De actor a activista y anti fascista

August 21, 2019

Lugosi nació como Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó el 20 de octubre de 1882, en Lugos, Reino de Hungría, Austria-Hungría (ahora…

¿Es posible un bloqueo naval de EE.UU. contra Venezuela?

August 21, 2019

19 de agosto -- El magnate presidente Donald Trump ha insistido en el bloqueo naval como opción a tomar contra…

Make the country hate again — yet again

August 20, 2019

“Make America great again”—​the catchphrase of the current president and the fascistic movement he represents—​has really always meant “hate again.”…

Tell Greyhound: ICE off our buses!

August 20, 2019

The call to action below can be shared and signed at bit.ly/ICEoffBuses. Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere is a…

Im/migrant rights activists fight CBP ‘transportation checks’

August 20, 2019

Since the first year of the Trump administration, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has questioned and detained bus and…

Austin Pride: FIRE challenges police presence, capitalist cooptation

August 20, 2019

With temperatures in Austin creeping just over 100 degrees, Austin Pride kicked off Aug. 10. This year, activists representing Fight…

Activists challenge ICE profiteers

August 17, 2019

Shortly after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, shares of CoreCivic Inc. and GEO Group (CXW and GEO on…

U.S. persecutes defenders of Venezuelan Embassy

August 17, 2019

Having failed to instigate a right-wing coup d’etat to overthrow the progressive, independent government of Venezuela, the U.S. government is…

After 10 years, federal executions set to resume

August 17, 2019

Attorney General William Barr is moving the United States backward. He is taking hard-fought civil rights gains to the dumpster.…

On the Picket Line

August 17, 2019

House passes Raise the Wage Act, but struggle is in the streets The House of Representatives passed the Raise the…