Planned Parenthood boldly resists anti-abortion attack

August 30, 2019

Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of comprehensive reproductive health care for poor women, took a bold stand of resistance…

Justice for Tymar Crawford! Momentum escalates in Pensacola

August 30, 2019

Family, friends and supporters of Tymar Crawford held two actions Aug. 5 and Aug. 8 that escalated the struggle to…

Solidarity on ending illegal sanctions on Zimbabwe

August 30, 2019

On Aug. 18, the 39th Southern African Development Community Summit of the Heads of State and Government held in Dar…

Amazon deforestation, the result of colonialism, U.S. imperialism

August 29, 2019

Because of the huge impact of losing a significant carbon sink in the midst of the climate crisis, fires blazing…

Roots of the Kashmir conflict

August 29, 2019

The writer is a Muslim woman born in a rural village in Gujarat, India. India, one of the oldest civilizations,…

A deepening of Marxist theory in Atlanta and Buffalo Sept. 7-8

August 29, 2019

As the economic and climate crises deepen, Workers World Party is growing steadily into a strong force for socialist revolution.…

In Seville, Spain, Andalusian unionists face trial for liberating food

August 29, 2019

The following is an Aug. 22 news release from the Andalusian Workers Union (Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores − SAT −…

Justice demanded for “comfort women”

August 29, 2019

Three young activists, biking across the U.S. from Los Angeles to New York City, stopped in Philadelphia on Aug. 26 to…

Georgia communities organize against toxic gas

August 29, 2019

Two community meetings on Aug. 19 and 20 were packed with angry and anxious residents of the metro Atlanta towns…

Trump escalates fascist war on migrants with indefinite detentions

August 29, 2019

Despite overwhelming U.S. opposition to President Trump’s ongoing attacks on migrant workers, on Aug. 21 he announced plans to detain…