Will Germany direct European imperialism?

September 4, 2019

Editor’s notes:  The following are excerpts, chosen from a more extensive essay on developments in Europe, which focuses on the…

Hong Kong: Google censors China

September 4, 2019

Google stripped away the illusion that the continuing protests in Hong Kong are about democracy when on Aug. 20 the internet…

Feds go after UAW: Unions, corruption and the capitalist state

September 4, 2019

At least a dozen FBI agents raided the Detroit area home of  International President of the United Auto Workers Gary…

Jewish activists challenge Trump’s anti-im/migrant policies

September 4, 2019

More and more progressive Jewish activists are joining the struggle against the Trump administration’s racist repression of im/migrants, including detention…

Trump, racism and capitalism

September 4, 2019

Published on Aug. 11 at lowwagecapitalism.com. Let there be no mistake about it. Donald Trump has the blood of all…

Support SCI Albion prisoner on hunger strike!

September 4, 2019

Greetings of love, peace and humanity! On April 28, politicized prisoner Demetrius Grant went on a hunger strike here at…

In Buffalo, N.Y., embattled baristas vote for a union

September 4, 2019

The workers at SPoT Coffee, a Toronto-based coffee shop with locations in Buffalo, N.Y., voted overwhelmingly for union representation on…

On the picket line: Teachers, bus drivers, AT&T workers & library workers

September 4, 2019

Led by teachers, unions respond to ICE raids  Among first responders dealing with children left behind after the record-breaking Aug.…

Juicio a 20 militantes del SAT, por la expropiación de alimentos en Mercadona

September 4, 2019

Publicado 22 agosto 2019 en redroja.net. El 5 de septiembre de 2019, 20 militantes del Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores (SAT),…

Pico de tensión entre Colombia y Venezuela

September 4, 2019

Publicado en pagina12.com.ar el 1 de septiembre de 2019. La relación entre el gobierno de Venezuela y el de Colombia…