Ecuador strike pushes back austerity

October 15, 2019

Oct. 14 -- Eleven days of massive protest, especially by Indigenous communities marching all over Ecuador, forced President Lenín Moreno…

Oct. 14, 2019: Indigenous Peoples’ Day!

October 15, 2019

Workers World Party is in firm solidarity with Indigenous peoples in the struggle to abolish the current “Columbus Day” as…

A month on strike, GM workers won’t back down

October 15, 2019

Bulletin: On Wednesday, October 16, 31 days into strike, the UAW and GM announced that a tentative agreement had been…

U.S., NATO, Turkey out of Syria!

October 15, 2019

The conflict within the U.S. ruling class about the Turkish invasion of northern Syria has created some confusion about events…

Not just a trade war

October 15, 2019

What’s really behind the difficult trade negotiations between the U.S. and People’s China? Is it -- as the administration has…

Indigenous peoples take lead in Ecuador’s general strike

October 14, 2019

Oct. 11 − Today, after nine days of the people’s uprising here, Ibarra was again without buses or taxis, and…

Over 700 march in Philadelphia for trans justice

October 14, 2019

Chanting “We’re here, we’re queer, we’re fabulous, don’t f--k with us,” over 700 LGBTQ+ people and their supporters marched through…

When Trans Women Die

October 14, 2019

In recent weeks, we have seen naked violence unleashed against trans women, directed against them by the state in the…

China celebrates Revolution’s 70 years

October 14, 2019

The writers, who traveled in three major cities in China -- Shanghai, Nanjing and Beijing  -- from Sept. 24 to…

Obituary: A. Grace Lee Mims: a cultural treasure

October 14, 2019

People filled St. James African Methodist Episcopal church in Cleveland on Oct. 11 to celebrate the life of Dr. A.…