LeBron James and the Hong Kong debate

October 23, 2019

Los Angeles Laker icon LeBron James received a major amount of criticism from bourgeois pundits for his Oct. 14 statements…

Death row families lead march to end executions

October 23, 2019

Lydia Garza and 16 family members drove in a rented van almost seven hours from the Rio Grande Valley to…

New York forum: ‘End sanctions on China & Zimbabwe!’

October 23, 2019

A Workers World Party forum on “Resisting Sanctions & U.S. Economic Warfare, from China to Zimbabwe” was held in New…

Un reporte interno del levantamiento indígena en Ecuador

October 23, 2019

Octubre 16-- El 7 de octubre, 4000 indígenas de pueblos de los alrededores del mismo cantón marcharon durante cuatro horas…

Editorial: ¡Día de los pueblos indígenas!

October 23, 2019

Workers World Party se solidariza firmemente con los pueblos indígenas en la lucha por abolir el actual “Día de Colón”…

GM strikers vote on new contract

October 23, 2019

In 1848, in “The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made an astute observation about the emergence of labor…

Legendary Cuban ballerina, Alicia Alonso, ¡presente!

October 23, 2019

The following obituary of Alicia Alonso was written by Prensa Latina on Oct. 17 and appeared in its entirety in…

Chicago education workers strike for their students

October 23, 2019

On Oct. 17, the Chicago Teachers Union – 25,000 strong – struck their school district, which is the third largest…

On the Picket Line: #MeTooMcDonalds, Amazon workers & more

October 23, 2019

#MeTooMcDonald’s confronts U.S. CEO The president of McDonald’s USA, Chris Kempsczinksi (worth $15.3 million as of February 2019), was a…

GM workers to vote on new contract after month on strike

October 18, 2019

In 1848 in “The Communist Manifesto,” Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels made an astute observation about the emergence of labor…