Haitian masses say: No dialogue, no delay, President Moïse must leave

October 31, 2019

Since the middle of September, the Haitian masses have made one point over and over again: President Jovenel Moïse must…

Protests across the U.S. tell Greyhound: ICE off our buses!

October 29, 2019

Demonstrations targeting Greyhound for its collaboration with Immigration and Customs Enforcement took place in a national day of action in…

Harlan County, Kentucky, coal miners win $5 million

October 29, 2019

Coal miners in Harlan County, Ky., have won a historic victory for more than 1,000 workers fired in July by…

The real enemies of the planet

October 29, 2019

A map of the world, recently circulated online, claims to identify the world’s worst offenders responsible for the climate crisis.…

Spain: Communist groups defend imprisoned Catalan leaders

October 29, 2019

Below is a joint declaration in response to the sentences of 9-to-13 years each issued following the “trial” of nine…

No solo una guerra comercial

October 29, 2019

¿Qué hay realmente detrás de las difíciles negociaciones comerciales entre los Estados Unidos y la China Popular? ¿Es, como ha…

¡Estados Unidos, OTAN, Turquía fuera de Siria!

October 29, 2019

Publicado el 17 de octubre in Workers World. El conflicto dentro de la clase dominante estadounidense sobre la invasión turca…

Chile’s people defy cops and army to demand gov’t resign

October 29, 2019

Oct. 28 -- Indigenous Mapuche people, students, workers, retired workers, women, people from all but the most privileged sectors of…

Pentagon’s plans to stay in Syria and Iraq are in disarray

October 29, 2019

The U.S. Department of “Defense” plans to keep its troops in Syria. This may come as a surprise to those…

GM strike ends, concessions continue, solidarity the biggest win

October 29, 2019

The 40-day strike of almost 50,000 General Motors workers came to an end on the afternoon of Friday, Oct. 25.…