Bolivia, Nov. 13: ‘Welcome to the dictatorship’

November 15, 2019

Published Nov. 13 on Telesur. Translation by John Catalinotto. “Welcome to the dictatorship,” said one woman as she ran from…

Atlantans hold back-to-back anti-racist protests

November 15, 2019

Donald Trump chose Atlanta to launch “Black Voices for Trump” on Friday, Nov. 8. That 2020 election appeal was rebuffed…

Interview with a Chavista: Temir Porras

November 15, 2019

Hands Off Venezuela PDX sponsored an Oct. 9 Skype event with Temir Porras, a revolutionary Chavista who served as a…

A rain of protest as poverty worsens in Haiti

November 15, 2019

Haiti is devastated. The poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, one of the poorest in the world, is getting poorer.…

Mass protests in Chile slam growing inequality

November 15, 2019

Beginning in mid-October, and continuing every Friday since then, hundreds of thousands of Chileans have been demonstrating against government neoliberal…

New York City solidarity with Chile

November 15, 2019

About 200 people gathered in protest in Union Square in New York City Nov. 4 to support a general strike…

The only power in Bolivia is that of armed force

November 13, 2019

La Paz, Bolivia Published Nov. 12 in Translation by John Catalinotto. The center of La Paz has been transformed…

Emergency march to Trump Tower: ‘U.S. hands off Bolivia!’

November 13, 2019

Nov. 11 -- An emergency rally and march against the Nov. 10 right-wing coup in Bolivia that forced President Evo…

‘Harriet’ — A powerful depiction of the legendary abolitionist

November 13, 2019

Institutionalized bigotry, be it racism, gender oppression or LGBTQ2S+ oppression, has impacted every sector of U.S. society. The form may…

The U.S. Civil War was the ‘unfinished revolution’

November 13, 2019

The slightly edited two chapters below are from a 1974 essay written by a Workers World Party founding member, Vincent…