Resistance continues as coup regime murders 30 in Bolivia

November 25, 2019

Nov. 23 -- Since a U.S.-backed military coup aided by fascist gangs overthrew the elected government of Evo Morales in…

Portland rally: ‘Defend DACA!’

November 22, 2019

Members of the Oregon DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Coalition shared their stories during the “Defend DACA, Home Is…

On fifth anniversary of his killing, Tamir Rice remembered

November 22, 2019

Hundreds gathered here on Nov. 20 to remember Tamir Rice.  Cleveland cops had brutally shot and killed the 12-year-old boy…

Harvard Act on a Dream protests newspaper’s call to ICE

November 22, 2019

Nov. 15 -- Harvard College Act on a Dream (AOD) launched the #CrimsonListen campaign today with a petition, boycott, teach-in…

On the picket line

November 22, 2019

No to charters, resegregated schools in Little Rock, Ark. Teachers in the Little Rock School District went on strike Nov.…

Wheeling, W.V.: U.S. hands off Bolivia!

November 22, 2019

A dozen people demonstrated Nov. 19 against the U.S.-backed coup in Bolivia on the campus of West Liberty University near…

Activists return to Ft. Benning to Close the SOA!

November 22, 2019

On Nov. 16, 1989, six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her 16-year-old daughter were murdered by a special battalion of…

‘You can’t call yourself anti-racist if you’re not anti-imperialist’

November 22, 2019

The following slightly edited remarks against the fascist coup in Bolivia were made by Makasi Motema on behalf of Workers…

McDonald’s workers take on sexual harassment with class action lawsuits

November 22, 2019

While hundreds of McDonald's workers walked off the job in Michigan on Nov. 12 to demand a $15 per hour…

Fast food workers organize ‘McStrike’ in eight countries

November 22, 2019

Close to 1,000 McDonald’s and other fast food workers and supporters held a noisy march and blocked traffic in Detroit…