Google workers vow to fight firings of activist co-workers

December 3, 2019

Four Google employees, named the “Thanksgiving Four” by the Tech Workers Coalition, were fired Nov. 25. Engineers Rebecca Rivers and…

Long live the revolutionary spirit of Fred Hampton 50 years after his death

December 3, 2019

Fred Hampton, the official chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party and deputy chairman of the national…

The lies are the same about racism at home and abroad

December 3, 2019

These slightly edited remarks were made at a Nov. 23 Workers World Party forum titled, “What road to socialism?” Motema…

Syracuse University students resist white supremacy

November 30, 2019

Syracuse, N.Y. Nov. 22 -- After three weeks of organized sit-ins and protests, students at Syracuse University have succeeded in…

Burgerville Workers Union inspires Pacific Northwest labor

November 30, 2019

Portland, Ore. During Oct. 23-27, Burgerville Workers Union, based in Vancouver, Wash., and an affiliate of the Industrial Workers of…

Death, destitution and activism in SCI Frackville

November 30, 2019

Frackville, Pa. More than 60 men at Frackville State Correctional Institution here joined together to say goodbye to Cleveland Butler.…

1,000 march to stop police brutality in New York City

November 30, 2019

More than 1,000 people marched through Harlem on Nov. 22 in the second emergency action against the escalation of violence…

New developments in Israeli colonization, Palestinian resistance

November 30, 2019

In the midst of a political stalemate in Israel, the government is continuing with its annexation of the West Bank,…

New York workers demand wage theft protection

November 30, 2019

Workers held a powerful rally in front of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s office in midtown Manhattan on Nov. 20…

Defend Malcolm Jenkins against Phila. Fraternal Order of Police

November 27, 2019

For decades the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) has functioned like an organized racist mob, running rampant over oppressed…