‘Afghanistan Papers’ release stirs protest from U.S. war veterans

December 16, 2019

On Dec. 9, 2019, the Washington Post released an investigative report entitled “The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the…

Historic 1974 Boston March Against Racism commemorated

December 16, 2019

Boston Dec. 14 -- Today marked the 45th anniversary of the 1974 March Against Racism in Boston, when 25,000 people…

NATO Summit strengthens the ‘War Party’

December 16, 2019

This Dec. 6 article from the Italian web newspaper, Il Manifesto, shows how the Dec. 3-4 London NATO Summit reinforced…

UAW at the crossroads

December 12, 2019

The United Auto Workers is in a serious crisis -- perhaps the biggest in its 84-year history. A federal investigation…

Pope Francis warns on nuclear weapons; official Italy silent

December 11, 2019

Published in Il Manifesto on Nov. 26. Translation by John Catalinotto. Italy’s politicians and corporate media, usually eloquent about any…

Graduate student workers on strike at Harvard

December 11, 2019

Cambridge, Mass. On Dec. 3, 4,000 graduate student workers went on strike at Harvard University at both the Cambridge and…

Food stamps on the chopping block: A tale of two budgets

December 11, 2019

The gang of flunkies for the super-rich running the show in Washington, D.C., are proposing to cut 700,000 people off…

‘December in Chicago’

December 11, 2019

By Mumia Abu-Jamal This slightly edited version is taken from a Dec. 8 audio commentary on prisonradio.org. It was an…

Attack on Bolivia and Venezuela followed the same playbook

December 11, 2019

Slightly edited version published in Sputnik World, Dec. 7. Translation by Michael Otto. The different steps followed by the coup…

Sports heroes fight racism

December 10, 2019

Under a capitalist society, the ruling-class-biased media attempt to isolate almost every development challenging the divide-and-conquer system that puts profits…