Argentina and the longed-for turnaround that ended four years of savage capitalism

January 6, 2020

Published by and on Jan. 1. Aznárez is an Argentine Marxist journalist and the director of the e-magazine…

Argentina y el anhelado viraje que terminó con cuatro años de capitalismo salvaje

January 4, 2020

Aznárez es periodista argentino, trabaja en medios de prensa, radio y TV. Director del periódico Resumen Latinoamericano y del Tercer…

Fighting gentrifiers for the rights of the homeless

January 3, 2020

On New Year’s Eve, Cleveland City Councilwoman Dona Brady looked out her upstairs window at demonstrators outside her home. A…

Baghdad delivers a New Year’s message, U.S. escalates aggression 

January 3, 2020

EDITOR NOTES: Eds. note: WW is monitoring developments in the region. Check for updates. The arrogance of U.S. imperialism…

U.S. out of Iraq, hands off Iran!

January 1, 2020

A mass demonstration at the militarily defended fortress of the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, is being used by the…

Durham, N.C.: Housing is a human right!

December 30, 2019

Durham, N.C. As the rate of evictions in this rapidly gentrifying city reaches a fever pitch, people here have banded…

Union busting? It’s a crime! – a WW editorial

December 30, 2019

The corporate media constantly tell us that the United States is a great democracy because of its “free elections.” Never…

Elecciones británicas y derrota del Partido Laborista

December 30, 2019

Esta es una charla ligeramente editada pronunciada durante el foro de Workers World Party/Partido Mundo Obrero el 19 de diciembre…

Cuba supporters win in IFCO victory over IRS

December 30, 2019

Here is a slightly edited statement issued by the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. Workers World congratulates IFCO on this…

WW editorial: Making liberation more than a word

December 30, 2019

On Dec. 10, dictionary-maker Merriam-Webster announced that, after a 313 percent increase in “look-ups,” the pronoun “they” was declared Word…