Global Day of Protest rallies against U.S. war

January 28, 2020

The U.S. state continues its war drive, pushed by ruling- class desperation to maintain capitalist economic domination. While the U.S.…

47 years after Roe v. Wade: Fight continues for reproductive justice

January 28, 2020

The 47th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized women’s right to choose abortion, was Jan.…

Iraqi protests demand: U.S. troops get OUT!

January 28, 2020

Hundreds of thousands -- maybe millions -- of Iraqis demonstrated in Baghdad, Basra and other major Iraqi cities on Jan.…

Embassy Protectors face court: A trial of our times

January 27, 2020

By Lauren Smith Smith is an independent journalist. On Feb. 11, four American peace activists, known as the Embassy Protectors…

Embassy Protectors speak in New York City

January 27, 2020

The four American peace activists who protected the Venezuela Embassy in Washington, D.C., for 37 days during the attempted coup,…

Police, private security try to suppress antiwar rally in Buffalo

January 27, 2020

Buffalo, N.Y.  In conjunction with actions in the U.S. and internationally, some 50 anti-war activists demonstrated Jan. 25 in the…

Delbert Africa: Free!

January 27, 2020

This column was transcribed from an audio recording posted on on Jan. 20. MOVE member, Delbert Africa, held in…

UNAC 2020 Conference aims to unite the antiwar movement!

January 27, 2020

With protesters marching in hundreds of cities around the world against the U.S. empire’s war plans against Iran and Iraq,…

La presidencia despierta un conflicto amargo en el seno de la clase dominante EE.UU.

January 27, 2020

Traducción: María Piedad Ossaba, 1 de enero − Un amargo conflicto entre los dos principales partidos políticos que representan…

Shelter solidarity struggle wins concession

January 23, 2020

Salt Lake City Activists -- unsheltered and sheltered -- finally saw a response to their demands on Friday, Jan. 17,…