Reparations & Black Liberation

February 12, 2020

Workers World first published this article on June 6, 2002.  Lawsuits have been filed in New York and New Jersey…

Portland longshore workers resist union busting

February 12, 2020

By Patrick Cate and Lyn Neeley Portland, Ore.  In November a federal jury in Portland, Ore., fined the Longshore and…

Sanders campaign reflects disgust with capitalism

February 12, 2020

Bulletin: Bernie Sanders is the winner of the Feb. 11 New Hampshire primary with 26 percent of the vote.  The…

Report from Puerto Rico — Part 1: Organizing against earthquakes and austerity

February 11, 2020

On Jan. 8, WW reporter Phebe Eckfeldt interviewed Alberto Barreto Cardona, a leading member of Partido Mundo Obrero/Workers World Party.…

New employment analysis shows that a good job is hard to find these days

February 11, 2020

The constitutionally mandated State of the Union address opened Feb. 4 with the first of many boasts: “Jobs are booming,…

How socialist base helps China combat coronavirus

February 11, 2020

China is showing the world what is needed -- and possible -- to combat the outbreak of a new, highly…

Elogio de la OMS/China lucha unida, pueblo y gobierno, contra coronavirus

February 11, 2020

Por Sergio Ortiz,  30 de enero − Los primeros casos de esta enfermedad fueron en la ciudad de Wuhan,…

Venezuela – Cinco apuntes urgentes sobre el ataque imperialista

February 11, 2020

Por Iñaki Gil de San Vicente en La reacción furibunda orquestada y dirigida internacionalmente contra el Encuentro antiimperialista por…

Black labor: From chattel slavery to wage slavery, Part 1

February 11, 2020

By Sam Marcy The following is excerpted from Chapter 2 of  Marcy’s “High Tech, Low Pay: A Marxist analysis of…

Anatomy of a hunger strike: A prisoner speaks

February 11, 2020

By: Demetrius Grant/ Joe Piette, editor ‘I went on a hunger strike because of the unconstitutional, inhumane and repressive conditions.’…