¿Qué tipo de socialismo?

February 24, 2020

Se ha producido un cambio radical en los Estados Unidos. Por fin, las encuestas muestran que el socialismo ya no…

Students occupy, strike against white supremacy at Syracuse University

February 24, 2020

Feb. 24 -- With Black students leading, the #NotAgainSU coalition has occupied Syracuse University’s admissions building since Feb. 17. They…

The anti-war presidential candidate

February 24, 2020

Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1920 from a prison cell where he had been thrown because of his…

No ICE on buses / People’s Power stops Border Patrol searches

February 24, 2020

People's Power defeats Border Patrol searches on Greyhound buses Statement from FIRE (Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere) FIRE (Fight…

A revolutionary view of the Sanders campaign

February 21, 2020

The competition for the Democratic presidential nomination has become a focus of political life in the United States. For revolutionaries…

From Eric Garner to Occupied Palestine: A common enemy and struggle

February 20, 2020

This slightly edited article first appeared online on July 29, 2014, on workers.org. Against the illuminating backdrop of the Dred…

Venezuela is prepared for possible threats

February 20, 2020

Published in pagina12.com.ar on Feb 18. Translation by John Catalinotto.  The military has been deployed in Venezuela -- not only…

Sanctions in Gaza

February 20, 2020

By Pippa Bartolotti The author, a former leader of the Green Party of Wales, writes on political and social issues.…

Malcolm X was killed by the racist masters of the USA

February 20, 2020

  The following slightly edited article appeared on the front page of Workers World on Feb. 25, 1965. It was…

Trump administration to unleash racist ICE agents on sanctuary cities

February 20, 2020

No matter what else is happening, the Trump administration is not relinquishing its war on migrants. Savoring the victory of…