New wave of protests sweeping across Chile

March 13, 2020

Chile has witnessed a week of renewed protests demanding the resignation of billionaire President Sebastián Piñera and calling for a…

Venezuela still resists for Hugo Chávez

March 13, 2020

Caracas Published in on March 5. Translation by Michael Otto.   Seven years have passed since the death of Hugo…

The battle over Venezuela’s oil in the struggle to defeat U.S. sanctions

March 13, 2020

Caracas Published Feb. 28 in Translation by Michael Otto. The United States government wants to strike at the heart…

How do those who don’t have dollars live in Venezuela?

March 13, 2020

Caracas Published Feb. 21 in Translation by Michael Otto. There is more and more talk about how dollars circulate…

Seattle: Workers need health care, not Trumpcare! WW commentary

March 13, 2020

Seattle March 9 -- In Washington state, there were 15 deaths from COVID-19 (coronavirus) and 79 diagnosed cases of the…

Mass organizing to win revolutionary socialism — WW commentary

March 12, 2020

Revolutionary change is coming. As the ravenous capitalist class continues their ruthless plundering of labor value from working people, societal…

What the virus demands — workers need protection

March 12, 2020

As more and more people face potential infection by the COVID-19 virus, workers in the U.S. need to fight for…

French anti-worker pension plan becomes law without a vote 

March 12, 2020

Hundreds of thousands of people have been in the streets protesting for months. Transportation strikes have disrupted travel. Public opinion…

BigPharma’s Role: U.S. sanctions lead to global rise in Coronavirus

March 10, 2020

March 10 – As COVID-19 (coronavirus) spreads, it is a clear reminder that germs and viruses don’t respect national boundaries…

Coronavirus highlights gap between socialist and capitalist responses

March 10, 2020

March 9 -- Mounting concern and panic over the global outbreak COVID-19 has gripped headlines as more countries grapple with…