With COVID-19 a prison sentence = death sentence

March 24, 2020

Prisons are concentration camps for the poor -- disproportionately Black, Brown, Indigenous, migrant, disabled and, increasingly, elderly. Prisons are especially…

Rank-and-file autoworkers win fight for safety

March 24, 2020

Working in an auto plant is a dangerous job. From slippery floors to toxic chemicals to improperly maintained equipment, autoworkers…

Oakland school Board cuts educational services, not school cops

March 24, 2020

Oakland, Calif. March 4 -- Tonight the Oakland School Board made a decision to cut more than $20 million from…

March 21: A significant date in global working-class history

March 24, 2020

March 21 is a profound day in the history of workers’ struggles against colonialism and imperialism. On that day, two…

Shame on you, Mayor de Blasio – a WW commentary

March 23, 2020

The National Basketball Association was the first of all the professional U.S. sports leagues to suspend their regular season after…

Anti-Asian racism accelerates — WW commentary

March 23, 2020

March 22 -- As the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic accelerates in the U.S. -- amid appeals for the population to “work…

Boston school bus drivers win emergency full pay during school closure

March 23, 2020

Gillis is the financial secretary of United Steelworkers Local 8751, the Boston School Bus Drivers Union. On March 16, elected…

Protesters in San Antonio, Texas, decry war on migrants at Border Patrol Expo

March 23, 2020

San Antonio, Texas “Border security” is a lethal operation. As the war against migrants rages on under the guise of…

Exigencias socialistas para la crisis del COVID-19

March 23, 2020

A medida que la pandemia de COVID-19 continúa extendiéndose, la respuesta del gobierno a la crisis ha sido criminalmente negligente,…

El virus desencadena el caos capitalista

March 23, 2020

16 de marzo - El mercado de valores se derrumbó hoy. El promedio industrial Dow Jones de los precios de…