Bosses get lion’s share of stimulus package

March 27, 2020

March 27 -- The so-called stimulus bill, providing $2 trillion as a response to the capitalist economic crash triggered by…

Spa workers take direct action in Austin, Texas – WW commentary

March 27, 2020

Austin, Texas The writer is a worker at a health spa in Austin. March 16 -- The spread of coronavirus…

Greater Boston Marxists Association builds frameworks of solidarity, community care

March 27, 2020

Special to Workers World The following interview was conducted for Workers World by Monica Moorehead, a managing editor of WW,…

After teachers protest, New York City closes schools

March 27, 2020

New York On March 22, Education Week Magazine announced that 118,000 schools with 53.7 million students had been closed to…

Shale oil, energy debt and false promises

March 27, 2020

Even before the first case of the coronavirus COVID-19 was confirmed in the United States, fault lines were appearing in…

As coronavirus spreads disability activists fight for their rights

March 26, 2020

New York “The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has reminded us that from one moment to the next anyone can become a…

Palestine battles the pandemic

March 26, 2020

There have been relatively few confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19 among the Palestinian population compared with the Israelis infected.…

Injustice prevails despite mass prisoner release in Cleveland

March 26, 2020

Cleveland Since March 14 the Cuyahoga County jail, located in downtown Cleveland, has released hundreds of prisoners to reduce the…

Texas health care workers report from inside the pandemic

March 26, 2020

The following are lightly edited testimonies about the health care system response to the coronavirus COVID-19 from several workers who…

China and Cuba lead in curbing pandemic 

March 26, 2020

China and Cuba have made significant scientific advances in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. China is considered the world’s front-runner in…