Workers resist unsafe conditions

March 31, 2020

All over the country, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, workers are fighting for and winning safer working conditions,…

Cuba en primera línea de lucha contra COVID-19

March 30, 2020

Cuba continúa ilustrando la solidaridad internacional de la atención médica en su respuesta a la crisis de COVID-19. La nación…

Los jefes obtienen la mayor parte del paquete de estímulo

March 30, 2020

27 de marzo - El llamado proyecto de ley de estímulo, que proporciona $2 billones como respuesta al colapso económico…

Aquí hay un plan

March 30, 2020

Planificación. Es algo que hacemos todos los días. A nivel personal, planificamos nuestras comidas, nuestro trabajo, nuestro servicio de limpieza,…

The viral crisis in light of the crisis of capitalism

March 30, 2020

The author is a veteran Portuguese Marxist and an editor of the web magazine Workers World publishes this March…

A trigger for a crisis driven by profit

March 30, 2020

By Claudio Katz Katz is an economist and a professor at the University of Buenos Aires. His website is…

Corona crash. You ain’t seen nothing yet

March 30, 2020

First published March 24 at Republished with permission of the author, a Belgian Marxist who writes for,,…

Doughnut workers organize in Portland, Ore,

March 28, 2020

March 21 -- Workers at a popular eatery, Voodoo Doughnut, in Portland, Ore., announced the formation of the Voodoo Doughnut…

Here’s a plan

March 28, 2020

Planning. It’s something we do every day. On a personal level, we plan our meals, our work, our housekeeping, our…

Venezuela needs solidarity now more than ever

March 28, 2020

Ibarra, Ecuador Worldwide demands for an immediate end to the criminal sanctions and economic blockades that impact Cuba, Iran, Venezuela…