Dozens of strikes all say, ‘No safety, no work!’

April 13, 2020

April 12 — About 40 workers at a New York City Chipotle store staged a walkout on March 6 after…

Locked up and locked down–a commentary by Mumia Abu-Jamal

April 13, 2020

The following slightly edited April 10 commentary by political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is available at For nearly a month…

Dire situation for Palestinian prisoners

April 13, 2020

The following remarks were given by Palestinian author and activist Susan Abulhawa during a Workers World Party webinar,“Free Them All:…

Caravan targets City Hall and jail in Philly protest

April 13, 2020

Traffic around Philadelphia City Hall came to a standstill for over an hour April 9 as hundreds of protesters, from…

When will the government checks come?

April 10, 2020

Almost  every  media  outlet  in  the  United States carried the news: 3.28 million claims for unemployment insurance (UI) were made…

‘Things fall apart’

April 10, 2020

Transcribed from a March 27, 2020, audio recording on The great African writer, Chinua Achebe, I believe, wrote a…

Gilead Sciences eyes COVID-19 cash cow

April 10, 2020

As jobs are lost during the COVID-19 crisis, an overwhelming majority of workers and oppressed people in the U.S. have…

Lakota People’s Law Project requests messages of solidarity

April 9, 2020

Send a message of solidarity to Standing Rock after the [Standing Rock Sioux] Tribe’s big court Dakota Access Pipeline win.…

Pa. prisoner tells WW: “We’re on death row lockdown”

April 9, 2020

Workers World reporter Ted Kelly interviewed Bryant Arroyo, a lifer at Pennsylvania State Correctional Institute Frackville in central Pennsylvania on…