France: George Ibrahim Abdallah must not die in prison!

April 15, 2020

Workers World received this petition from the Pole for the Rebirth of Communism in France (PRCF) calling for the release…

Cuban solidarity combats the pandemic from Italy to Angola

April 15, 2020

What country can always be counted on to show international solidarity and provide concrete aid in a crisis? The people…

Black essential workers refuse to be invisible with a higher risk of infection

April 14, 2020

April 12 — Just last week, U.S. bourgeois papers — the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston…

Prisoners rebel during pandemic

April 14, 2020

Prioritizing prisons, police and punitive responses to social issues is a public health crisis. These approaches are only aggravated by…

WW editorial: Why we say ‘Free them all!’

April 14, 2020

There were 27 progressive demands made by a united front of Black, Latinx and anti-racist white incarcerated men who carried…

Virus statistics reveal class truth

April 14, 2020

Because China is the most populous country in the world, and also the first to become infected with the COVID-19…

Navy carrier crew caught in Trump regime battle

April 14, 2020

April 13 — Some 580 of the 4,800 sailors in the crew of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt have…

Entrevista: Trabajador de Amazon lucha contra el multimillonario Bezos

April 14, 2020

Chris Smalls es un ex trabajador de Amazon que fue despedido por organizar una huelga el 30 de marzo en…

Which road to socialism: Bernie Sanders and voting in a pandemic

April 13, 2020

This article is for the thousands of young people who supported Bernie Sanders and for the social organizations that came…

Build Workers Assemblies, build a workers’ world!

April 13, 2020

Burning through communities like a raging fire, COVID-19 takes from us those most vulnerable. Already poisoned by environmental racism, people…