WW Commentary:
People with disabilities fight to be counted in the battle vs. COVID-19 and depression

April 22, 2020

“When the able-bodied community gets the sniffles, we get pneumonia. … The difficulties are multiplied tenfold,” said Damien Gregory, an…

100+ strikes demand: PPE before profits!

April 21, 2020

Since the beginning of March, workers have held over 100 walkouts, sick-outs, sit-ins, pickets and protests over their bosses’ failure…

Big money backs ultra-rightist protests to ‘open the economy’

April 21, 2020

Amidst the unending stream of grim news flowing from the COVID crisis, a new disturbing image has emerged over the…

‘The real criminals are not in prison’

April 21, 2020

The following excerpted remarks were made by Gloria Rubac, a longtime Texas anti-death penalty activist, on an April 9 Workers…

How the World Health Organization supports Africa’s response to COVID-19

April 21, 2020

As of April 18,  according to the African Centers for Disease Control, there were 21,990 cases of COVID-19 in Africa,…

Comentario de WW/MO Organizar asambleas obreras, ¡construir un mundo obrero!

April 21, 2020

Quemando las comunidades como un fuego furioso, el COVID-19 nos quita a los más vulnerables. Ya envenenado por el racismo…

Unemployment explosion reveals class conflict

April 20, 2020

April 19 — The explosion of unemployment applications during the COVID-19 crisis underscored the vicious class contradictions in the United…

A prescription for health care justice

April 20, 2020

After much discussion, the health care workers caucus — comprised of Workers World Party members working in various areas of…

Fighting for health, for us and the planet

April 20, 2020

Workers World celebrates the historic 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Launched by a mass outpouring of demonstrators in 1970, this…