Pandemic used as proxy to privatize USPS

April 29, 2020

U.S. Postal Service workers, like health care workers, go to work every day risking exposure to the COVID-19 virus. Over…

COVID-19 y hechos básicos de la economía marxista

April 29, 2020

El mercado de valores se desplomó en marzo, pero se recuperó en parte después de que el Banco de la…

International Workers’ Day: Find an action!

April 28, 2020

May Day — International Workers’ Day — will be celebrated on May 1 across the U.S. despite the challenges imposed…

U.S. is a prison house of oppressed peoples

April 28, 2020

Based on a talk given during an April 9 Workers World Party national webinar: “Free them all! COVID-19 and racist…

Pandemia y capitalismo están detrás del aumento del hambre en EE.UU.

April 28, 2020

Los productores lecheros están vertiendo millones de galones de leche en las lagunas. Los productores agrícolas están volcando las verduras…

Impacto a largo plazo de caída histórica del precio del petróleo

April 28, 2020

Por primera vez en la historia, el 20 de abril, el precio del petróleo estadounidense cayó a menos $38 por…

The U.S. aims at Greenland, targets the Arctic

April 28, 2020

By G. Dunkel and Paddy Colligan The United States, even in the midst of a pandemic, doesn’t want to relax…

Lenin: Thinker and fighter

April 27, 2020

April 22, 2020, marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin, leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution. This…

U.S. uses ‘drug’ lies to menace Venezuela

April 27, 2020

By Raymond Tyler During a time when thousands are dying every day in the United States of COVID-19 and resources…

Laos keeps coronavirus under control

April 27, 2020

The Lao People’s Democratic Republic, referred to as the Lao PDR or Laos, has not recorded an increase in COVID-19…