A look at India Walton

July 6, 2021

Buffalo, N.Y. India Walton made national headlines when she won last month’s Democratic primary against incumbent Mayor Byron Brown, who…

G7/OTAN: Diplomacia entre ladrones

July 6, 2021

Para comprender la esencia de las reuniones en Europa, en las que Joe Biden ha estado hablando amablemente con los…

U.S. & China – A tale of two social systems controlling malaria

July 5, 2021

The World Health Organization declared China free of malaria June 30, after China’s decades of work toward eradicating the disease.…

U.S. out of Afghanistan

July 5, 2021

The Pentagon withdrew its forces from Bagram Air Field in Kabul July 2. Corporate media presented this event as an…

How U.S. destroyed progressive secular forces in Afghanistan

July 5, 2021

First published in Workers World in October 1996, and then republished on Sept. 27, 2001, just before the U.S. invasion…

Defund sheriff’s budget, fund mental health

July 5, 2021

Oakland, California — Youth from the Decarcerate Alameda County coalition rallied at the Board of Supervisors June 22 to demand…

El que no trabaje (por un salario bajo) no comerá

July 5, 2021

En 2017, para justificar los cambios en el Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria, (SNAP, siglas en ingles), el representante Jodey…

A Marxist history of HIV/AIDS – Part 1

July 2, 2021

Forty years ago, on June 5, 1981, the first instance of what came to be known as HIV/AIDS was reported…

UAW referendum: An opportunity for rank-and-file activism

July 2, 2021

Gary Jones, former International President of the United Auto Workers, was sentenced to 28 months imprisonment June 10 for his…

Texas: ‘¡Alto a ataques a los derechos reproductivos! No, a la Ley 8 del Senado’ 

July 2, 2021

El gobernador Greg Abbott dijo a los medios de comunicación el 19 de mayo: “Nuestro creador nos dotó del derecho…