PDF of August 5 issue

August 5, 2021

Download the PDF. Striking Alabama miners take fight to Wall Street Editorial: Housing is a right! Global: New Peruvian president;…

Free Dr. Mutulu Shakur!

August 4, 2021

Despite being imprisoned for 35 years, the revolutionary and aging Dr. Mutulu Shakur remains a steadfast beacon in resistance to…

On the picketline

August 4, 2021

Nurses are once again on the front line of the pandemic, due to the upsurge caused by COVID-19 Delta variant.…

Cuba is not alone: love and solidarity prevail

August 4, 2021

The following lightly edited article first appeared in Resumen English July 29, 2021, one day before U.S. President Joe Biden…

Cómo defender el derecho al voto

August 4, 2021

La lucha por el derecho democrático burgués de una persona, un voto aún continúa en Estados Unidos, el país imperialista…

Striking Alabama miners take fight to Wall Street

August 3, 2021

Five hundred striking Alabama coal miners — joined by hundreds of other union members and supporters — rallied July 28…

Solidarity rally for striking Alabama miners

August 3, 2021

Preparations are under way in Brookwood, Ala., for an Aug. 4 solidarity rally for striking United Mine Workers (UMWA) members…

China reforms take on Big Tech

August 3, 2021

Over the past several months, the Western media have grown increasingly alarmed over reforms in China that significantly rein in…

Rodney Reed: Evidence of innocence finally heard

August 3, 2021

“Rodney [Reed] had a Jim Crow trial in a kangaroo court. There’s not a system of justice. This was a…

The COVID challenge − cooperation or competition

August 3, 2021

President Joe Biden’s May 25 announcement, calling on U.S. intelligence agencies to launch an inquiry into the charge of a…