‘We must protect our trans comrades’  

November 25, 2021

The following remarks were presented at the Nov. 19 Trans Day of Remembrance event held by SAGE —  Services &…

Sympathy strikes at Kaiser Hospital

November 25, 2021

Oakland, Calif.  Crowds of “sympathy striking” union workers jammed the sidewalks at Kaiser hospital in Oakland Nov. 18 and 19,…

Shell-shocked in Amhara, Ethiopia: ‘I don’t even want to hear the word “America” ’ 

November 25, 2021

By Ann Garrison Ann Garrison is a Black Agenda Report contributing editor based in the San Francisco Bay Area. In…

PDF of November 25 issue

November 25, 2021

Download the PDF. Another fascist acquitted Rittenhouse verdict sparks outrage Workers take on the bossses Workers take on the bossses:…

The Cuban people have the right to defend themselves

November 24, 2021

By Yisell Rodríguez Milán This article was published in Granma Nov. 18 and republished in CubaNews after translation. The protest…

From Alabama to Australia: Solidarity for striking mine workers

November 24, 2021

Global solidarity for striking Alabama coal miners ramped up with a Nov. 18 worldwide Day of Action. This kicked off…

Haiti: Desperation and Resistance

November 24, 2021

Nov. 21 — Nearly 4.4 million Haitians need immediate food assistance, and 1.2 million suffer from extreme hunger. Washington has…

Oppose the racist recall of Kshama Sawant!

November 24, 2021

Seattle The ruling class from Seattle and beyond is trying to get rid of socialist City Council member Kshama Sawant…

Another fascist acquitted
Rittenhouse verdict sparks outrage

November 23, 2021

Workers World expressed outrage — along with the rest of the country and the world — over the devastating Nov.…

NYC Black Friday Action: “Make Amazon Pay”

November 23, 2021

Workers Assembly Against Racism issued the following news release Nov. 22. Global Day of Protest, Black Friday − Nov. 26,…