Editorial – Se busca: un lugar seguro para dormir

April 26, 2022

Durante la oleada de tiroteos públicos masivos de las últimas semanas -desde Sacramento, California, hasta Syracuse, Nueva York-, un ataque…

Supporters rally to stop Melissa Lucio’s execution

April 25, 2022

April 25 - Melissa Lucio was granted a stay of her April 27 execution by the Texas Court of Criminal…

Happy birthday, Mumia!

April 25, 2022

Political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal’s 68th birthday was celebrated worldwide April 24. The day honoring the veteran Black Panther was marked…

‘By Any Means Necessary’ rally supports Palestinian resistance

April 25, 2022

New York City Hundreds of protestors marched through midtown Manhattan streets April 20 in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle.…

Defend Alice Walker: anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

April 25, 2022

While the war in Ukraine — egged on by U.S. imperialism and its NATO ally — continues to dominate the…

Los palestinos resisten el ataque israelí a la mezquita

April 25, 2022

Las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asaltaron violentamente a los fieles palestinos el 15 de abril, durante las oraciones matutinas en…

‘Take This War and Shove It’ − The coming of age of a Vietnam War military resister

April 22, 2022

“Take This War and Shove It − A Most Unwilling Soldier 1967-1971,” by Greg Laxer, Unbearable Truth Publications, 2021, 327…

Folkston detainees, immigrant rights activists chant together

April 22, 2022

Folkston, Georgia April 16 – Multiple organizations forming the Coalition to Shut Down ICE in Georgia have been giving special…

May Day:  A clarion call to free them all!  

April 22, 2022

On May 1, 1886, the American Federation of Labor organized militant actions demanding the right of all workers to an…

‘Dear Workers World’: Letters from behind the walls 

April 22, 2022

Dear Mundo Obrero/Workers World: My name is Mr. John Jefferson and I am currently confined at a New York state…