Forces behind the escalation of anti-Semitism

December 6, 2022

Ever since extreme right-wing multibillionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter on Oct. 27, there has been an alarming increase of anti-Semitic…

Amazon Labor Union calls out CEO Jassy

December 6, 2022

New York City Nov. 30 — In Manhattan today, Amazon Labor Union President Chris Smalls led a picket line outside…

New School adjunct faculty strike enters third week

December 6, 2022

New York City Dec. 5 — Raucous twin picketlines at the New School University Center and at neighboring Parsons School…

All out for Mumia Abu-Jamal Dec. 9

December 5, 2022

Political prisoner and author Mumia Abu-Jamal was arrested 41 years ago on Dec. 9, 1981. He has been held captive…

Be out, loud, proud − and organize!

December 5, 2022

The anti-LGBTQ+ assaults have been aggressive and unrelenting — from hundreds of punitive legislative bills to a deadly attack on…

Declaración del Partido Mundo Obrero: ¡Solidaridad con los y las trabajadores del ferrocarril!

December 5, 2022

El presidente Joe Biden acaba de firmar una ley, aprobada por ambas cámaras del Congreso, que impone un contrato entre…

Musk the Knife arrasa en Twitter

December 5, 2022

El estándar de pop y jazz “Mack the Knife”, tomado de “La ópera de tres centavos” de Bertolt Brecht y…

Workers World Party statement
Solidarity with railroad workers!

December 3, 2022

​​President Joe Biden has just signed legislation, passed by both houses of Congress, imposing a contract between Class One freight…

They want to lead us into war – interview with historic African leader from Mali

December 2, 2022

By Raphaël Schmeller This interview with Aminata Dramane Traoré was first published Nov. 30 in the German newspaper junge Welt…

Worldwide actions demand: ‘Make Amazon pay!’

December 2, 2022

Protesting Amazon’s treatment of workers and its practices that contribute to the climate crisis, coordinated demonstrations in over 30 countries…