‘Free CeCe!’ is theme of WWP meeting

July 17, 2012

The Durham, N.C., branch of Workers World Party held a public meeting the evening of July 6 to bring attention…

Sham elections in Libya & imperialist plans

July 17, 2012

Western-based corporate media outlets have proclaimed Mahmoud Elwarfally Jibril the Western-backed National Forces Alliance winner of the first post-Jamahiriya election.…

Mass march rejects U.S.-Pakistan deal

July 17, 2012

A deal in early July papered over frayed relations between U.S. imperialism and Pakistan’s government. But it did little to…

Syria: Look who’s talking

July 17, 2012

[Saying they are] “deeply concerned at the escalation of violence” that threatens to widen the [Syrian] conflict into a regional…

Hezbollah analyzes Syrian crisis

July 17, 2012

The following observations about Syria are excerpted from a conversation between Ernesto Gomez Abascal, a journalist, writer and former ambassador…

‘No war on Syria or at home’

July 17, 2012

Oakland, Calif. — Activists from Occupy Oakland, longshore and postal workers, and anti-police brutality, immigrant rights and antiwar movements gathered…

Utah Anti-War Coalition launched

July 17, 2012

Salt Lake City — In recent weeks, there has been a resurgence in anti-war politics in Salt Lake City with…

Jobs & a dying horse

July 17, 2012

Does it bother the spin doctors for either the Obama or the Romney campaigns that their job is to invent…

Libor: Another way banks steal

July 17, 2012

It doesn’t sound malevolent. Libor — the London interbank offered rate — is presented as a series of interest rates,…

Tito Kayak paddles Caribbean to free political prisoners

July 17, 2012

Some might consider traveling solo in a kayak on the turquoise — but sometimes treacherous — waters of the Caribbean…