Rally demands justice for Alan Blueford

August 9, 2012

Oakland, Calif. — More than 100 people rallied at City Hall on July 31 to demand justice for Alan Blueford. An…

U.S. social conditions create racist massacre of Sikhs

August 9, 2012

The terror of yet another mass killing struck in the heartland of the United States on Aug. 5, when alleged…

To our subscribers: Help the Marxist school

August 9, 2012

The North Carolina branch of Workers World Party is organizing a week-long school on Marxist theory and practice in mid-August.…

Texas executes man with limited mental ability

August 9, 2012

The state of Texas legally lynched Marvin Wilson on the evening of Aug. 7. Houston, Aug. 7 — Marvin Wilson…

March on Wall Street South hits the streets

August 8, 2012

March on Wall Street South organizers Tommy Cavanaugh, of the Wisconsin Bail Out the People Movement; Ed Childs, chief steward…

Clinton’s Africa tour advances U.S. militarism, attacks on China

August 8, 2012

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton toured nine African countries over an 11-day period beginning Aug. 1. During the tour…

Syria defends itself against imperialist onslaught

August 8, 2012

The fighting in Syria is shaping up as a military showdown between the Syrian army on one side and “rebel”…

The corporatization of the Olympics

August 8, 2012

The summer Olympics began in 1896 in Athens, Greece, as a vehicle for bringing together mainly amateur athletes from around…

Todos y todas a marchar en Wall Street South

August 8, 2012

En medio de la crisis más profunda del sistema capitalista en décadas, de la intensificación de crisis sociales en el…

Poverty rising

August 6, 2012

New figures show capitalism can’t meet people’s needs An Associated Press investigation has revealed that poverty is increasing at a…