South African workers’ stoppages spread

September 12, 2012

The Lonmin Platinum PLC in Marikana, South Africa, has not restarted production at the facility where 44 workers died in…

Jóvenes inmigrantes son blanco de nuevo edicto racista en Arizona

September 12, 2012

Tucson, Arizona – La gobernadora de Arizona Jan Brewer promulgó la Orden Ejecutiva 2012-06 el 15 de agosto, negando todo…

Latinoamericanos/as desafían EE.UU., respaldan Ecuador en materia de asilo WikiLeaks

September 12, 2012

Ecuador, con el apoyo de gran parte de Latinoamérica, está en lo que podría ser un enfrentamiento a largo plazo…

Anti-war protests planned across North America

September 10, 2012

The United National Anti-war Coalition has called for protest actions across the country on the anniversary of the imperialist U.S.…

Protest in Germany defends Syria, hits NATO

September 10, 2012

On Sept. 1, a broad coalition of people from German, Syrian and Turkish progressive and patriotic groups in Frankfurt, Germany,…

U.S. & Israel exonerate murderers, torturers

September 10, 2012

Nine years after the crushing to death of Rachel Aliene Corrie by an Israeli bulldozer, a judge in Haifa has…

40 years after Munich Olympics: The big lie about the Palestinians

September 10, 2012

International Olympic Committee president, Jacques Rogge, bowing to pressure and threats from U.S. and Israeli officials, paid tribute on July…

Same storm, different responses

September 10, 2012

The storm called Isaac hit Haiti, Cuba and the United States. When it lashed Haiti and Cuba, meteorologists called it…

Boston-area school bus drivers: Anatomy of a union victory

September 6, 2012

Boston — The bus drivers of Eastern Bus Co. have won the right to join militant Local 8751 of the…

Derrick Duncan: Jamaican immigrant & revolutionary

September 6, 2012

It’s tragic when a person in his 40s dies suddenly of a mysterious illness. But it’s especially tragic when he…