The importance of theory guiding practice

December 7, 2012

  Excerpts taken from the Nov. 17 talk by Fred Goldstein, WWP secretariat member and author of “Low-Wage Capitalism” and…

International solidarity with workers in the USA

December 7, 2012

Following are statements of solidarity that various organizations and individuals sent to the Nov. 17-18 Workers World Party National Conference…

‘Free CeCe McDonald!’–The right to fight back

December 7, 2012

Part one At certain moments in history, the struggle of individuals to survive and organize against fascist attacks, police and…

Greek bailout means more suffering

December 7, 2012

Despite the European approval of a loan to Greece as November ended based on a Greek national austerity budget, more…

‘Yugoslav Tribunal’ in hands of organized crime

December 7, 2012

The following is from an editorial by Werner Pirker in the German daily newspaper, Junge Welt, Nov. 30, translated by…

Open political battle breaks out over Egypt’s Constitution

December 6, 2012

Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians have been demonstrating on both sides with regard to a draft constitution for the North…

Hurricane Sandy and capitalism

December 6, 2012

Like a giant magnifying glass, a natural disaster reveals in startling detail the dimensions of the social disaster that lie…

Global battle against exploitation

December 6, 2012

Workers World Forum   [gallery link="file" order="DESC" orderby="post_date"] On Nov. 30, a week after the “Black Friday” protests at Walmart…

Workers say ‘We finally stood up’

December 6, 2012

Niles, Ohio — Forty-four members of Steelworkers Local 4564-02 walked off their jobs on Sept. 13 at Phillips Manufacturing in…

Ann Arbor, Mich., students help stop foreclosure

December 6, 2012

Led by students from the University of Michigan, protesters picketed Dec. 1 at the PNC Bank in Ann Arbor, Mich.,…