Fired GM Colombia workers’ hunger strike lifted, occupation continues

October 11, 2012

For more than 14 months, members of Asotrecol — the Association of Injured Workers and Ex-workers of GM Colombia —…

‘Prosecution fears support for CeCe McDonald’

October 11, 2012

The following was written by Leslie Feinberg on Oct. 7. For more on the struggle to free CeCe McDonald, visit…

Sindicato de la ciudad va a huelga en Detroit: Deuda a los bancos sangra el presupuesto

October 11, 2012

El autor es un trabajador veterano del Departamento del Agua y Alcantarillado (DWSD siglas en inglés), de la ciudad de…

Las arterias endurecidas de un sistema moribundo

October 11, 2012

El dinero es la sangre vital del capitalismo. Cada vez más los banqueros lo mantienen encerrado en sus bóvedas y…

Community speaks out against Blueford killer

October 8, 2012

Oakland, Calif. — The Justice for Alan Blueford Coalition (J4AB) held a speakout Sept. 29 at the Oakland Police Department…

Police victim Mark McMullen

October 8, 2012

In an alarming epidemic of police killings of African-American men throughout the U.S., the case of Mark McMullen is another…

Music that impacted anti-apartheid struggle

October 8, 2012

The documentary “Searching for Sugar Man,” released this July, attests to the power of music, the kind of music that…

Houston’s Brother Ester King, 1943-2011

October 8, 2012

Houston — His name was unusual; he was extraordinary. He said he’d been named after an admired pastor. To chemists, an…

Monsanto, genetic engineering and food

October 8, 2012

If genetically modified (GM) foods and genetically engineered (GE) agricultural products are as “safe” as manufacturers Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences…

Longshore struggles continue as ‘poor go hungry’

October 6, 2012

Angry longshore workers walked off the job Sept. 28 in ports up and down the West Coast protesting news that…