Why we need to demand a shorter work week

November 16, 2012

In February, the Detroit Free Press reported that the United Auto Workers union was preparing “arguments over the thirty-hour week,…

NYC Transit workers want to be paid

November 16, 2012

A 2011 study from Columbia University estimated that it would take several weeks, or longer, for the New York City…

Iraq still reeling from U.S. wars

November 16, 2012

The Pentagon launched the Desert Storm war against Iraq in January of 1991, destroying much of Baghdad’s water and sewage…

Community, unionists march on bank to stop foreclosure

November 16, 2012

Detroit — More than 100 friends and neighbors of the Cullors family in northwest Detroit, including anti-foreclosure activists and dozens of…

Oakland, Calif., marches against police killings

November 15, 2012

Oakland, Calif. — “We just commemorated the six-month anniversary of my son’s death. I am here today to speak for…

Mumia meets with parents of Alan Blueford

November 15, 2012

Mumia Abu-Jamal met with Jeralynn Blueford and Adam Blueford, the parents of Alan Blueford, when they traveled to Pennsylvania on…

Annual march protests executions in Texas

November 15, 2012

Austin, Texas — They chanted, “Executions? Shut ‘em down! Racist courts? Shut ‘em down! Lying cops? Shut ‘em down! Sleeping…

Texas governor’s 250th execution protested

November 15, 2012

With the stick swinging the piñata at full force, the grandson of Shaka Sankofa literally knocked the head off Texas…

Revolutionary reflections on bourgeois elections

November 15, 2012

Under capitalism, especially here in the United States, so-called “democracy” serves the wealthy. Whoever wins elections, the Pentagon and weapons…

Pennsylvania environmental department fronts for frackers

November 15, 2012

For years, Pennsylvania families living near natural gas drilling activity have relied on the state’s Department of Environmental Protection to…