Gaza resiste terror Israelí-EEUU

November 28, 2012

Por Gene Clancy y Deirdre Griswold [Nota de la redacción: Luego de escrito este artículo, el 21 de noviembre se…

Europe rocked by workers’ resistance

November 25, 2012

Millions of people struck Nov. 14, and hundreds of thousands more poured into the streets in an unprecedented, coordinated general…

Israel ‘Guilty,’ says Russell Tribunal on Palestine

November 25, 2012

New York — The Russell Tribunal is an International People’s Tribunal organized to bring to light Israel’s recognized violations of…

Michigan ‘emergency manager’ law defeated

November 25, 2012

Proposal 1, a ballot initiative in Michigan to reinstate Public Act 4, popularly known as the “dictator law,” was defeated…

‘Save the Berkeley post office!’

November 25, 2012

Berkeley, Calif. — When the major banks and financial institutions in this country were facing economic failure, they were quickly given…

On the picket line

November 25, 2012

Kansas Machinists strike and win better contract After Machinists (IAM) Local Lodge 639 members in Wichita, Kansas, got a load…

Coney Island suffering two weeks post-Sandy

November 25, 2012

Public housing tenants in Coney Island are facing falling temperatures by the waterfront with hardly an open store to be…

Rosa Parks Day events planned for Rhode Island

November 25, 2012

Providence, R.I. — On Saturday, Dec. 1, the Rhode Island Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee will hold its seventh…

Homeowners fight evictions by pension board

November 25, 2012

Thirty homeowners and their supporters packed the meeting of the Detroit Police and Firefighters Pension Board on Nov. 15 to…

The myth of Columbus

November 21, 2012

Based on a talk entitled “On the 520th anniversary of the landing of Columbus: What his legacy means for Indigenous…